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When Should I Arrive?

Our family service begins at 11am. It is best to arrive at 10:45am to make sure you and your family or friends are seated together. The sanctuary fills up quicky at around 10:55.

On the first Sunday of each month a church bulletin is made available as you come in the front door. It’s on the table on your right. Please take one as it has all the information you will need for the month ahead.

How Long Is the Service?

The 11am service last for around an hour. All of our other services last for roughly the same time.

Can I Bring My Children?

Of course, you can! Children are a big part of our church family and they are very welcome in any of our services. The 11am service is probably the most appropriate for them as we have children’s provisions such as creche during this time. This service usually has a short talk geared specifically for children.

Around 15 minutes into the service children are invited to leave for JAM Club and creche. You are free to keep your children with you during the entire service but we encourage you send them to JAM Club as it will help you to concentrate on the sermon and worship, and your children will make new friends!

At the end of the service children can be collected from the Sunday School room by a parent or guardian.

What Are the Services Like?

We begin with a welcome and announcements followed by 25 minutes of sung praise. We have corporate singing and we encourage you to join in! Words are projected onto screens at the front. Once the children leave, we usually have one or two more songs and then a sermon.

The sermon lasts around 25-30 minutes and is usually the responsibility of our pastor. Although we do have visiting speakers regularly as well as some from our own church congregation.
At the end of the service, we have a closing prayer and final hymn.

Our 6:30pm service, commonly referred to as our Evening Service, follows a similar pattern to the 11:30 service. We have 20 minutes of worship and then a slightly longer sermon.


We celebrate communion each Sunday morning at 9:45am. One the last Sunday of each month we celebrate it in the evening at 6:30pm.
We believe that the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the Lord in which gathered believers eat bread, signifying Christ’s body given for His people, and drink the cup of the Lord, signifying the New Covenant in Christ’s blood.

We do this in remembrance of the Lord, and thus proclaim His death until He comes. Those who eat and drink in a worthy manner partake of Christ’s body and blood, not physically, but spiritually, in that, by faith, they are nourished with the benefits He obtained through His death, and thus grow in grace.

Will I Be Expected to Give Money?

There is absolutely no expectation whatsoever. Our offerings are for our church members to contribute. You are free to give if you wish but mostly you are free just to come and enjoy being with us!

What Should I Wear?

You can wear whatever you are comfortable in.
On a Sunday you will see people wearing suits to people wearing shorts and t-shirts…and everything in between. We have no formal dress code.